Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Faux Berries

Maybe you've seen this idea floating around the interwebs. The story goes something like this: 

- you paint some rocks like strawberries
- put them in your strawberry beds
- birds try (and fail) to eat them
- then when your strawberries DO pop, up the birds won't touch them!

Well, my friend Shelby is giving it a go this year! Hopefully she'll tell us how it turns out, so we we can make an informed decision next spring. Here are her lovely "strawberries"!

Saturday, April 20, 2013

A Million Little Things

I didn't have very much to do in the garden this week, but that doesn't mean it wasn't a super busy week! We are always doing things. If it's not sunny out (it wasn't) then I try to get inside chores caught up. On this week's agenda was lots of cleaning, baking, sewing, building, and painting. 

We had one sunny afternoon, so my little guy and I decided to paint some rocks for garden markers. I had been gathering them on my runs all week!

I also baked a couple of loaves of bread for the week and made some scratch/no MSG/no preservatives/all natural sausage biscuits to freeze for mornings when we all oversleep and a fresh breakfast isn't an option.

My lovely friend showed me how to do elastic (I have no idea why I was so scared of it!) and let me borrow her pattern so I could sew up some new diapers for my growing babe. I had scraps of organic hemp, organic cotton flannel, organic cotton fleece, and I bought a few fun prints and terry on sale for my new stash. 

We also started on our new woodshed since we are out of wood for the year. Luckily it's a warm spring and I don't think we will need anymore. My daddy came over to help out. I love that my hubby gets along with my family (and I with his!)

And just for fun, I chopped off all of my hair! I've never had my hair this short before, but I am loving it!

And that brings me back around! What do you do when there's nothing to do [in the garden]? 

Monday, April 8, 2013

Monday, April 1, 2013

Mulch Much?

I know I said earlier, that my new grass was a fail, but I am thrilled that I was just impaitent!!! LOOK! New Grass!!!!! 

I also got some straw for the garden for mulch. Now, I know that there can be problems with straw: sprouting and slugs to name two. Gross. BUT, it will also seriously cut my water bill down and compost back in over the winter when I turn it in. It's natural and, maybe even more importantly, super duper cheap. 

Fun Bun Run

First off, I'll go ahead and appologize for the tittle. I know, I know, but I just couldn't resist. 

Second of all, this is mainly a shameless hubby brag, so you'll have to forgive me a second time. I'm not gonna lie, I feel like the luckiest girl in the world to have a handy hubby who builds me stuff! 

My daddy (orange) and hubby (blue) building the bunny run!

Of course, Coffee Bean and Creamsicle loved their new bunny run!

Bun Run

The bunny run, bunny hutch, and my back garden. So lovely! I seriously can't wait until summer!