Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The SUN! Quick, everyone OUT!!!

Here in the great Northwest it was in the 60s and sunny all week! Quick! Everybody outside! Seriously, my kids think it's summer. 

Sooo... we put in 10 raspberry plants in the front yard. 5 Carolines and 5 Tulameens. YUM! The boys got to bike, scoot, and play street hockey while Mr. Baby helped me plant.

As I mentioned before, here, I am reusing garden materials, so this bed cost me 0 dollars and 0 cents. However, this raised bed would seriously be the cheapest ever to build new. Each block costs just over a dollar new. I placed river rocks (free at your local creek) on top to make them prettier.

I love garden snuggles...

Another project we worked on was cleaning out (removing thier winter mulch) the strawberry/iris/fruit tree beds. 

And my mama bought me a Candice (PINK!!!) grape plant! SO excited about this!!!

I had my first little bloom!

I also transplanted my onions (New York Early and Walla Walla) that my middle little dropped. I'm hoping they don't die. We'll see...

Also, my grass seed that I planted between my raised beds in the garden seems to be a big, fat FAIL! Soooo.... I'm transplanting moss from my yard! Less to mow, right? I'm taking something I have, removing it from where I don't want it, and putting it where I do want it. 

Moss in the grass... 

Moss in the garden...

I had a super awesome garden helper too! My mom. She's an awesome gardener and super fun. She also bought me my Raspberry and Grape plants. I think she wants jam this fall....

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